the Accelerator Project | Editorial


Client: Ebony Smith, Ebenum Equation

Project: We were hired to design Ebony´s new book “#BuildYourOwnAccelerator: An 8-week plan to move you, your idea or your career forward”.

Briefing: Ebony started her career in the energy industry, where she successfully found her niche in sales and marketing. After 18 years in the same industry, she felt like something was missing. She decided to shift the way she was functioning in Corporate America. She felt called to Coaching as she began exploring herself and her career goals. She wanted to be a different kind of Executive Coach, one who believes that we all need to step out of knowing and into prototyping our careers.

This workbook is for everyone that just doesn’t have the funds to hire a coach or the voice to insist their company make the investment in them. This book is also for hustlers and grinders who know it’s time to level-up because they want a promotion this year, for the leaders and founders who just want to shift daily life, and for the managers that want to stop dreading their commute and who have been daydreaming of a way to leave their job.


Although the title is very well thought of, the fact that it is a very long hashtag makes it very difficult to read, so instead of placing it in a straight line, we broke the words apart vertically. 

We went for a simple but imposing design that will captivate the eye even when the book is placed between hundreds of others at an online selling point such as Blurb or Amazon. 


We hope you enjoyed what we´ve done with the project. Feel free to add your comments here below or, if you have a similar project in mind, please drop us a line here. We´ll be glad to hear from you!

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